Diocese of Oxford

Community (Page 108)

Church Picnic

Everyone is invited to bring a picnic to the grounds of Cokethorpe School on Sunday August 17th.  More details here – a great way to catch up and make new friends. If you’d like to receive regular updates on items like these, then why not subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter?  [wysija_form id=”1″] kumarhane oyunucar cover for…

July Prayer Diary

The July prayer diary can now be viewed here. If you’d like to receive regular updates on items like these, then why not subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter? [wysija_form id=”1″]  gowild casinoVibromasseurs point Gyou can check heretesco car cover medium

Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust

OHCT have launched a new website this year – www.ohct.org.uk with information and maps showing all the churches in Oxfordshire.  Well worth taking a look especially if you are planning a visit to any of them.    rpg mobile gamescasino oyunlar?translat english to frenchvibromasseur puissantWSP Italy STRIKE W2502binary option trading uk

Christian Aid Collection: many thanks!

Christian Aid Week  A big Thank You to everyone who collected envelopes and who donated to Christian Aid this year. The total we collected in the village was a magnificent £963.88pmerit royal hotel & casino & spamacbook air laptop sleeveSol Republic TRACKS Cable SB Glitch Greyweb conversion ratecar cover protectorProlinebuhfnm d

Volunteers needed ….please!

It would be lovely to have some volunteers from the congregation who don’t usually lead the children’s groups, to offer to do an activity with the children on one of the Sundays in August. This would give the usual leaders a break before September! There would be helpers! The dates are Aug 10,17,24,31. Please see Jane Dines or Bob Edy if…