Diocese of Oxford


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Church Picnic

Cokethorpe Picnic  18th August For those who have ordered a packed picnic, the cost will be £14.50 Please pay in cash, cheque (payable to Ducklington Church) to be given to either Jane Dines or Sue Fenn,  or by BACS :- Sort code      30-99-78 Acc no.          00179381 Reference:   Picnic

Ladies’ Away Day

Thank you so much to Andrea and Jenny for organising our day and to The Rev’d. Preb. Jane Haslam who led our Ladies’ Away Day on 6th July, at Cokethorpe School.  Jane explained her passion for St Benedict and what learning about him has brought to her life.  We discussed the 3 main vows he…

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for: For people with long term health issues For Dennis Welch who is in the J.R hospital and for his wife, Julie. For the family and friends of Veronica Batts whose funeral was on Thursday. For Lesley and Matt Barker whose father/father-in-law,  Hugh Kingsley May’s  funeral was on Friday.