This year the Church will be providing a refreshments stall as usual and also a Basket Tombola Stall at the 72nd Flower and Produce Show. If you wish to enter any of the classes/categories, take a look at their website here
Please provide cakes etc as usual. A rota for stall helpers will be available shortly.
And can we ask you to fill a basket with items to provide prizes for the Basket Tombola. Baskets can be any size and examples of contents include
- sweets,
- toiletries,
- wine,
- soft toys,
- candles,
- cakes,
- jewellery etc.
All items must be new. Filled baskets should be brought to church please.
Ade and Maureen have provided a number of empty baskets for people to fill. We can also supply tissue paper and cellophane to enhance the baskets. Please take an empty basket and return it to Church by Saturday 24th August (at the latest) and we will add tissue paper and cellophane.
There are some examples of baskets in church and here are a couple of photos to inspire you.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.