Diocese of Oxford

Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

Do please contact us to discuss your requirements for a baptism, wedding or funeral in order that we can guide and adivse on current regulations and, how we can help.  You can save time by using this link to our specialist software iKnow where you can start the process. 


If you are a parent and would like your child to be baptised at St Bartholomew’s, or would like to explore this for yourself if you are a little older, please contact the Rector in the first instance who will arrange to meet you to discuss the promises made at the baptism of child or adult and then refer you on to our Baptisms Administrator.  She will then guide you through the process.
You can view our current Baptism Policy here.

We do not charge for a Baptism service but would appreciate a donation, if possible, towards our running costs.

In baptism, God calls us out of darkness into his marvellous light. To follow Christ means dying to sin and rising to new life with him


Wedding bibleMarriages

If you would like to be married at St Bartholomew’s, then please contact our administrator and she will guide you through the process.  Your initial contact should be via email.  You may find our Weddings at St Bartholomew leaflet helpful. You can also download our Marriage Policy here

We do have to make some charges for weddings, some of which are Parochial Fees 2025 but in addition, as agreed, we charge for the verger, keyboard player, flower arrangers and bell ringers time.  You can download a copy of our Marriage Fees 2025

In gentleness let them be tender with each other’s dreams and healing of each other’s wounds


St Bartholomew’s and, in particular, our Rector, are here to help you through your bereavement.  In the first instance, your funeral director will guide you through what needs to be done to arrange a funeral, cremation or thanksgiving service.  You can download the  Diocese of Oxford’s leaflet here for guidance on whether a family member can be buried in the churchyard, rules about headstones and other relevant information.

As with weddings, we do have to make charges for funeral services.  In addition to the Parochial Fees 2025 , we also charge for the keyboard player and verger’s time.  If travel is required to a crematorium, travel costs will also be charged for.   We will deal directly with the funeral director regarding costs and fees.


Eternal God,
you give light to those who sit in darkness
and in the shadow of death;
let your light shine on those who mourn
that they may rejoice in your holy comfort
and live in the light of the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord.