Diocese of Oxford


Week of Prayer for World Peace

The Annual Gathering will again be on Zoom this year, occurring on Sunday, 13th October at 3:30 PM (UK time). Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82952967543?pwd=bmJWSzA3U1d3ZzVocDlzbkQ5K3dTZz09 Meeting ID: 829 5296 7543 Passcode: 549956 Please join in and together let’s send out prayers, meditations and heartfelt wishes for peace. The WPWP 50th Anniversary celebrations began with a recent…

Hand Bell Ringing

Hand-bell ringing practice  5.30pm.  Contact: Margaret Barnes (mmbarnes@btinternet.com)    

Bell Ringing Practice

Practice evenings are every Wednesday (save for Holy Week).   You can see more about the bells here.

Ducklington Warm Welcome Space

  Come and join us.  It is free and all ages are welcome.  We can offer a listening ear, local information, plenty of chat, puzzles, games and a quiet corner.  There’s always plenty of hot drinks, biscuits and cake, with soup and a roll for lunch.

Holy Communion (also on ZOOM)

Do join us for our communion service.  We have  activities, for older children, usually held in “the children’s corner” of the church during the service. Sometimes we are joined by our church choir  to add their voices to the hymn singing or to help us learn new ones.  The church is warm, with toilet facilities…

Singing Group

If you’d like to join Amanda for a singing session, you’d be most welcome. The group meet in church, fortnightly.