Diocese of Oxford

If you would like to make a donation to help towards the running costs of St Bartholomew’s and its upkeep, please select an option below. 

One-off donations below £30 can be made, via a Sum-Up link here:

To help with the general running costs of St Bartholomew’s select here

To help with the running costs of Warm Welcome Space select here

To help maintain the FABRIC of St Bartholomew’s select here

If either of these donations is above £30 and you wish to Gift Aid it, please complete one of these declaration forms here and return it to me.

One-off Gift Aid to General Fund

One-off Gift Aid to Fabric Fund

One-off Gift Aid to Warm Space Fund

If you would like to make a more regular donation, please consider joining the Parish Giving Scheme or become a Friend of St Bartholomew’s 

If you’d like to pay directly to our bank account you can download a  General Fund Standing Order or a Fabric Fund Standing Order form or a Warm Space Fund Standing Order form

If you would also like to donate a sum of money in your will, please take a look at this Ducklington Legacies Pamphlet and this Wording for your Will form for suggested wording. 

Thank you; your generosity is much appreciated.