Diocese of Oxford

Thank you from your new Rector

February 2016

Dear friends at St. Bartholomew’s:

Nicci and I have been deeply moved by the love, support, generosity and encouragement which have been shown to us over recent weeks since we began our move into the village.

To begin at the end: we were delighted that so many of you braved the elements to come to the Service on Monday evening… but wasn’t it worth it?! The setting and atmosphere could not have been stage-managed any better than the impromptu candle-lit service which was made necessary with the power-cut! The welcome which you gave to our visitors from St. Albans Diocese and beyond was really appreciated.

There are so many people to thank that I hope you will allow me to pick out a few on behalf of you all:

Edmund, Gill and Peter for guiding the church through the interregnum, keeping everything on track even to the end, with finding all those candles,

Paul, with the musicians and singers for leading us in worship which would not have disgraced an earlier non-electric generation,

The troop of torch-bearers, who guided hesitant steps from the village car park into church,

Jane and Jane with their able assistants, who provided the refreshment after the service.

It all made for a truly memorable evening at the start of our ministry with you.

On our arrival the previous week, we were greeted by Gill and Jane, bearing a wonderful hamper from you all with all the necessities to sustain our first few days: Nicci really valued the kitchen scissors! And there are the other thoughtful and touching considerations from flowers and wine to candles, matches, logs and a Gaz stove to see us through the power cut.

For all this – thank you.

May you know God’s peace, encouragement and blessing as you seek his way personally and collectively as members of Christ’s church here in Ducklington.



Rev’d Paul Boddam-Whetham,

Rector, St. Bartholomew’s Church, Ducklington

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