Do join us for an hour of quietness, contemplation and reflection. This service will take place on the third Sunday each month.
Further details to follow.
Our Prayer Breakfast starts at 8.30am in the Coffee Bar area at the High Street Methodist Church. We aim to finish by 9.30am. Do feel able to join us. You will be very welcome. If you would like to know more contact: Dave Richardson: email: or Jenny Hall: email:
God our Father, from the beginning you have blessed creation with abundant life. Pour out your blessings upon Chloe and Jonathan, that they may be joined in mutual love and companionship, in holiness and commitment to each other. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who is alive and reigns with you,…
Do join us for our 1st Sunday of the month service which is a Service of the Word. We have activities, for older children, usually held in “the children’s corner” of the church during the service. Sometimes we are joined by our church choir to add their voices to the hymn singing or to help…
Do join us for our 1st Sunday of the month evening service with Holy Communion. This is a quieter service with no specific activities for children. The church is warm, with toilet facilities and, we hope, a warm welcoming environment. Covid-19 remains with us for the forseeable future. The Wardens have decided that mitigating…
The Annual Reports and Accounts for 2024 will be avaialble for download shortly The Minutes from the APCM 2024 will be available soon The updated Electoral Roll will be displayed on a screen in the South Aisle. Nomination Forms for the election of new P.C.C members and for Church Wardens are available from Ade, our…
Pancake Day is also called Shrove Tuesday and is one last chance for a big party before Lent begins with Ash Wednesday the next day. Long ago, Christians traditionally used up all the eggs and fat they had in store by making pancakes and feasting on them. This was because when Lent came, they would…
A service of Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes
Do join us for our communion service on this Mothering Sunday. We have activities, for older children, usually held in “the children’s corner” of the church during the service. Sometimes we are joined by our church choir to add their voices to the hymn singing or to help us learn new ones. The church is…