Mary’s role is responsibility for producing and printing the notice sheets for each Sunday and for circulating them electronically to people who have requested to have them sent this way. She also draws up the rotas for people who do various duties each Sunday and again circulates them to the people concerned and also makes sure they are inserted into the Monthly Diary produced by Tricia Hughes.
Mary has been involved in Church activities for most of her adult life and in her last parish, St Mark’s in Highcliffe, Dorset, she was leader of the Mothers’ Union Branch for many years progressing to Deanery Co-Ordinator and then was appointed as a MU Diocesan Trustee. She also served on the P.C.C., was Church Warden and was also licenced to administer Holy Communion to those who received Communion in their own home or Care Home because they were unable to get to church for various reasons.