1. On a computer browse to “zoom.us” and click on “join a meeting”. If you click on the link we publish, it should take you directly to the “meeting room.”
2. Or, if asked for a meeting ID type in 490 568 9876
3. If asked to download a file click yes
4. You will be asked if you want to use your computer audio click yes – this will activate your speaker and microphone
5. If asked whether you want video say yes (you can switch this off later)
6. When the Zoom space opens drag your mouse to the bottom of the window and it will display a menu. On the left side click on the mike icon and turn it off. If at any time you want to speak, activate the mike and turn it back off when you have finished
7. Next to the audio icon is the video icon. If you don’t want anyone to see you on screen you can turn your camera off. You will still be able to see what is going on
8. If you are connecting on a tablet or mobile phone you will need to download the Zoom app which is available from your normal app store – its free!
9. If you have any problems, give Dave a call during the session on 776249