Diocese of Oxford

From The Rectory -3rd April

From the Rector

3 April 2020

Dear Friends,

As we work out individually or in our families how to cope with self-isolation in the home or social distancing outside, we are also learning about ourselves, our inner resources and our character. Some of us will be happy using this time to explore our spiritual needs and to deepen our expereince of God through more extended time of prayer and focussed reading. This may be by starting a daily reading plan to work through the Bible or reading biographies of Christians who may stimulate and encourage us as we look to a time in the coming months when we can return to some normal interaction in our lives. What will our response be as Christians to our family and friends who may have found this a really difficult time? Can we share with them our faith in the “assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”?
If you have found a particularly helpful way to keep you faith strong in these times, you might like to share this after our Palm Sunday Praise Service, on ZOOM.
In preparation for that service, if you have the time to create your own Palm Cross in paper, then you may wish to follow this link: https://youtu.be/aIYWc3zh-2
If it seems initially to be rather complicated, do persevere – it is very satisfying to complete it! Then you could have it with you on Sunday.

As we continue in this Passiontide into Holy Week, we have planned our normal range of services for this season, and I hope you may be able to attend on ZOOM in preparation for our Easter Celebration next week!

I hope you have received a phone call from one of the Core Team to see that all is well with you. If you have not received a call, please let Gill Long know and she will arrange this for you. I apologise if one or two have slipped through our pastoral net.
While Nicci and I are having to take special care to self-isolate at this time, I can be contacted by phone and email if you would like to talk about any concerns.
With my prayers for your safe-keeping,
Rev’d Paul N Boddam-Whetham
St. Bartholomew’s Ducklington
01993 776625