Diocese of Oxford

An update from Gill – how quickly things can change….

Dear Friends
What a soggy few days we have had. I’m writing this during the wettest 24 hours we have had for a long time. I’ve just re-read the letter I wrote to you in August and it said ‘what a scorcher’! How quickly things can change, especially the weather. As I look out of my window I’m happy to see that my water butt is filling up rapidly after being empty for a few days. It brings to mind ‘my cup overflows’ (Psalm 23 v5). It’s my favourite psalm, the one I take comfort from. Obviously David was not referring to a water butt when he wrote the words. I think he was trying to help us understand the abounding and overflowing nature of God’s loving presence, provision, protection and power. God’s blessing upon David wasn’t just for his life but it was designed to spill over so it could bless others. I really do feel blessed by others. I am grateful for the prayers that are being said for my family at this time and I feel blessed that God has put such caring people on my path. Even within the boundaries of the Coronavirus restrictions we are still able to offer blessings of comfort, support and prayer.
I meet God in my garden. I’ve found the garden a tranquil place this summer, somewhere to sit and engage with the Holy Spirit. I’m a novice gardener enjoying planting and caring for the flowers and finding peace there to pray. I am constantly amazed by God’s creation in the colours of the flowers and the business of the insects. If we stop to consider how beautifully God clothes the flowers in the fields (Matthew 6:28) we can remember how God cares for us. Considering the lilies verse reminds me of how close God is and how he does not want us to worry or be anxious. This is so worth remembering as we find our lives changed because of the pandemic.
I have a granddog, Alfie! I have the best of both worlds. I love having him to stay but I also like giving him back when I’ve had enough of getting up early on wet mornings to take him out for a walk. It was on one of these walks that I was captivated watching a ladybird, a snail and a wasp on a leaf. Thanks to Alfie’s progressing years we linger longer at places. The creatures were all going about their own business, not interfering with but accepting each other. It was fascinating. I was so glad to have the time to ponder over this little diverse community whilst humming to myself Cecil F Alexander’s hymn ‘All things bright and beautiful’. I thank God for Alfie.
I noticed the wildflower garden outside the church when I popped in for some private prayer this week. Though the garden has now been mowed, I wondered what beauty next spring would bring for us to enjoy. I’m sure we’ll marvel at the glowing colours of the flowers and the creatures great and small that our Lord God has made. I have to say a big ‘Thank you’ to Sally and Robin for all their hard work on the garden.
I hope you have had a chance to read Bishop Steven’s letter that Paul has sent round. It certainly gives us something to think about and perhaps implement over the next six months. I would say though, don’t be overwhelmed by it. Bishop Steven recognises that it has been a hard and challenging season and no one can do everything.
Maybe you would consider serving the church as a member of the PCC or Deanery Synod for a three-year term. The Annual Meeting will take place on 18th October at 11.30am, in church and on Zoom. Please stay after the morning service for the meeting. If you would like to stand please complete an application form (from Church or via the website) and return to Rosie Evans, our PCC secretary. Please feel free to talk to the wardens if you have any questions.
I’ll finish with this verse from Isaiah, ‘The grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of our God endures forever’. I’ll ponder on this in my garden, if the rain ever stops!
Take care everyone and remember to get your flu vaccination if you are entitled to it.
God Bless