Dear Fellow Members of St Bartholomew’s
Tricia rang me up on Thursday asking if I’d had the email she sent asking me to do a warden’s letter for the February monthly diary. I dutifully waffled about possibly having some recollection of it without actually having any idea at all. Back at home I discovered said email was in the Spam folder so I was right, I had no recollection of it. Now there is a lesson and a message here. Don’t always rely on email to deliver a message. Christ didn’t; he knew that the best form of communication was person to person. Even the disciples didn’t preach the Gospel until after his death and resurrection. They started on the day of Pentecost, ten days after the Ascension, when the Holy Spirit descended upon them. If I was a theologian I might know why the disciples didn’t start preaching during Christ’s lifetime; perhaps he wasn’t sure they would put across the right message, or like Tricia’s email it might not get there at all. I’m sure God had it all worked out.
The progress towards finding a new Rector continues. There has been some interest shown in the advert and questions have been asked about the Parish and the Rectory. Nominations close on 7th February and we are interviewing on 1st March. The interview day will include visits to Church, School and Rectory, and will be centered on the Village Hall. Please pray that we emerge from the process with the best candidate for the role of Rector of Ducklington-with-Hardwick, although at the moment I have no idea how many, if any, have formally applied.
I have been reminded by people that understand these things, that if we don’t tidy up the Christmas pots from the graves then the grass will not grow. If you have a grave(s) that you care for, please remove any pots by the end of February, otherwise Gill and I will. We hope you all had a happy Christmas and thank you for the support you have shown us during 2021. Let’s hope and pray that 2022 sees some return to normality, it feels like we are getting there but the Covid numbers are still high.
God bless and stay safe.