March starts with two important dates for me and ends with a very special one. 1st March is the interview day for our new Rector, the 2nd of March, Ash Wednesday, is the start of Lent and 31st March is my retirement day.
Interview Day feels like the end of a very long process and it’s difficult for me to think beyond that date. We are fortunate in that we have had a tremendous response to our advert leading to a good choice of candidates. I am praying that God will bless and equip the person he is preparing to be our new rector here, and that they have vision and insight and a pastoral heart to serve everyone in our community.
Of course, the ‘journey’ does not stop on March 1st. The interregnum will still go on until the service of institution and induction of our new Rector – remember Paul’s service during a power cut! There is still plenty to do and I thank you all for your work and support in keeping the fellowship and services at St. Bartholomew’s running as smoothly as they have.
What are you going to give up for Lent – alcohol, chocolate, moaning, swearing?! Just like New Year’s resolutions often well intended but never seen through to the end. I do wish you success if that is what you’re going to do. However, many people use the 40 days of Lent to try to do something to deepen their relationship with the Lord. Lent can be seen as a period of self-examination, penitence, self-denial, study, and preparation for Easter. I will try to set time aside to read the bible more and pray more often. If you need any support or encouragement there is the house group running and lent lunches planned. Please feel free to join our house group for the Lent period. For more information, contact Faith or myself. House group members have been reading and enjoying ‘Mark for Everyone’ by Tom Wright. During Lent we are going to meet weekly, on Zoom, to discuss the appropriate passages leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. Lent lunches will also take place through this period. They will be frugal meals, probably soup and bread, with fellowship and reflection. Please look out for more information on our website and in our notices and remember to let your host know that you are going so they know how much soup to make!
Whatever you plan I pray that you know God is there with you and that the Holy Spirit is within you. I will be resting on the Lord as I move into the new phase of my life at the end of the month.
God bless