Diocese of Oxford

Ukraine – 1 year on and an update from Christian Aid

One year on and an update from Christian Aid – The congregation of St Bartholomew’s have donated £658.10 to this appeal in 2022


Invasion 1 year anniversary - Pray for Ukraine - here

A year on from the start of the invasion and many are reflecting on the lives lost, the homes destroyed and the families torn apart.

Since the start, Christian Aid programmes and partnerships have helped 800,000 Ukrainian people – funded by your donations. Thank you for generously donating to the DEC Ukraine appeal over the last year.

     Pray for Ukraine ?    
Your support has helped our partners, such as the Hungarian Interchurch Aid, reach thousands of people with humanitarian aid. This has included sending lorry loads of food, providing shelter, and assisting refugees waiting to enter Hungary.

Through our partner Crown Agents, your support has provided neo-natal supplies including 34 baby incubators, life-saving drugs, patient monitors, thermal blankets and 9,000 trauma kits to the most vulnerable babies born in Ukraine

Doctors of the Institute saved us. I want to thank the doctors and those people who collected funds for equipment and medicine. It helped my child to survive”

 Oxana, a new mum in the care of Ukraine’s Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Every prayer, every gift, every action you take continues to bring hope to the people of Ukraine.

Thank you,

Michael Mosselmans

Head of Humanitarian

Christian Aid