Diocese of Oxford

Letter from Roy Tarbox LLM  – May 2024

Whilst enjoying down time walking in the Forest of Dean, I caught sight of an old fashioned fairground, ready for Easter visitors. Do you remember those childhood days when the fair came to town?

Memories of roundabouts, dodgems, candy floss and rollercoaster rides? The excitement as you clatter up the incline, the momentary intake of breath, followed by a scream, as you hurtle down and towards the next incline.

Like the weather we have experienced this Spring. One minute grey skies and depressing rain and the next, sunshine, raising our mood and encouraging blossoms. However, within a few hours it is downhill again, grey clouds and rain on its way again!

Through wintery days of Lent we paused to contemplate the coming of Easter Holy week arrived, and what a rollercoaster ride that was!  We celebrated Palm Sunday, Jesus entering Jerusalem, triumphant crowds hailing the King who they thought would overthrow the Romans. Dark clouds gathered as we studied the narrative again, the last supper, the trial, Peter’s denial, and the utter desolation of the crucifixion. On Easter Saturday we lit candles carrying them into the dark church to remind us of “The Light” coming into our world.  When the sun rose the following morning we shared the joy of the resurrection, “Christ is risen, Halleluiah!”

Later, we read of the disciples behind locked doors, for fear of persecution, then Jesus came among them and said, ”Peace be with you !  As the father has sent me, I am sending you.” He opened their minds to the understanding of the scriptures commanding them to stay in Jerusalem until they had been clothed with power of the from on high, (Luke 24v 49). During May we are celebrating that event when the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost and turned this small band of frightened followers into a force that changed the world.  (Acts 2v1-4). Another spiritual roller-coaster ride!

Our daily lives can also be likened to rollercoaster rides, times of light and joy, times of darkness and deep sadness. However, the crucifixion, resurrection and Pentecost were not the end of the ride. When we trust in a God that we cannot fully comprehend, when we pray for His Holy spirit to guide us, like the disciples, we can experience the same life changing power of Pentecost in our lives today.

Roy Tarbox – LLM