Diocese of Oxford


Christian Aid Week

12th May marks the start of the 2024 Christian Aid Week with this year’s “theme” Will you help someone push back against poverty? With your help, we can work towards a world where families can escape the trap of poverty and fulfil their ambitions. Seven days, so many ways to fund lasting change. This Christian…

Fritillary Sunday: Help!

Fritillary Sunday is fast approaching. Plans are well underway and will include some new attractions such as a Fritillary Raffle and children’s activities. To ensure success we will need your help in various areas. These include refreshments, selling raffle tickets, helping with the children, being a presence at the fritillary field, in the church, around…

Ducklington and Hardwick with Yelford Charity

A message from Gill (Clerk) The object of the Charity is to relieve either generally, or individually, persons resident in the Parishes of Ducklington, Hardwick and Yelford who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress e.g. help with heating, transport costs etc., The Charity also considers requests from young people who reside within the…

From Maria:

Thank you so much for your generosity as a church, I have spent the £300 I have received from you on: a bulk order of sewing machine needles; tool kits so each dressmaker attending a sewing machine maintenance and servicing class I have been asked to teach will have the tools to practice what they…