Diocese of Oxford

Covid News (Page 10)

A letter from your Rector

Rector: Rev’d Paul N Boddam-Whetham M.A. Administrator: Miss Sue Fenn Friday 24 April 2020 Dear Friends, Each of us will be working out how to use this gift of time and space which we have been given during this period of “lockdown” when for the health of family and friends, as well as our own, we are diligently observing the rules on…

School meals and lockdown

24 April 2020 Dear Friends, As a church we have usually donated items of food to the Food Bank which is a great way to help others in greater need. In lockdown, children who usually have a free school meal are now receiving a voucher each week for exchange at a local store. We thought it would be helpful if we gave…

Fritillary Sunday

Fritillary Sunday has been cancelled. Further information to follow. Meanwhile the fritillaries can be enjoyed on your permitted exercise walk! You can always take a look at pictures from years past.

A message from Gill ..

Dear Friends The Lord is risen, Alleluia!     What a joyous end to Holy week with the reassurance of God’s of love, hope and faith, and the knowledge that we are never alone.  I was delighted to see so many (65 people) joining us for our Easter service on Sunday via Zoom. It reminded me that, though I miss going into our…

The Dorcas dress project

The charity The Dorcas Dress Project, is making scrubs for local NHS staff at GP surgeries and care homes as they go into people’s homes to care for sick patients.  Maria Skoyles is seeking donations to help fund fabric supplies and as a means of raising funds for the project in general.  If you would like to give a donation follow this…

From the Rector – 9th April

From the Rector 9 April 2020 Dear Friends, It is with sadness that I must tell you of the death of Bob Fidler a long-time member of the church, and faithful member of the choir until restricted by his immobility. Also of Gordon Etheridge, a more recent member who has been sharing with us on Second Wednesdays over the last six months.…

Prayers for our time

God of compassion, be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation. In their loneliness, be their consolation; in their anxiety, be their hope; in their darkness, be their light; through him who suffered alone on the cross, but reigns with you in glory, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O God, help me to trust you, help me to know…

From The Rectory -3rd April

From the Rector 3 April 2020 Dear Friends, As we work out individually or in our families how to cope with self-isolation in the home or social distancing outside, we are also learning about ourselves, our inner resources and our character. Some of us will be happy using this time to explore our spiritual needs and to deepen our expereince of God…