Thank you for the cards, well wishes, phone calls, e-mails and a visit during this severe bout of cellulitis in my left leg. I do intend to resume my musical service to the Church next Sunday (17th January) despite the leg still being dressed which prevents me from driving. Maggie is kindly acting as my driver!!
There is a singing group rehearsal on Thursday 14 January with the priority being to learn an Introit for the Rectors induction service on Monday 8th Feb at 7.30pm. Please can I plead for extra voices to come and learn the piece. The arrangement is written for Sops, Altos and MEN and the piece is called ‘Proclaim the story’.
There will also be a rehearsal on Thursday Feb.4 plus a run through after the service on Feb 7th.
If you can help, please let Kath Luce know today. Thank you.