Diocese of Oxford

APCM – PCC updates

Following today’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting, the following changes took place:-

Three  representatives of the laity to the PCC were elected (until the APCM 2025) :-  Roger Barnes, Sue Fenn and Peter Cocks

After many years of service, Roger Barnes stood down as Church Warden although he continues as Treasurer, Tower Captain and Chairman of the Fabric Committee.  Roger was warmly thanked for all that he has done during his tenure as Church Warden.

Gill Long was re-elected as Church Warden until the APCM 2023
Martin Dines was elected as Church Warden until the APCM 2023

Rosie Stone stood down as PCC Secretary, at the end of her tenure and was also thanked for her five years of service which is much appreciated.

Sue Fenn was elected as PCC Secretary until the APCM 2025