Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 118)

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Ducklington School – Ofsted results

Ducklington Primary School was inspected at the beginning of February. The school received an excellent report celebrating the broad, high quality education it offers along with the very high quality care it provides. The work of leaders, governors and all staff was justly recognised and the children’s positive attitudes to learning and good behaviour were celebrated. If you would like to read…

#LiveLent 2018 : Lent Reflection

#LiveLent – Let Your Light Shine takes you on a six week discipleship journey in 2018 through the Gospel of John, exploring what it means to be a witness. For each day from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day there is a short reading, a pause for reflection and prayer, and an idea for a simple action…

Graphic Design – help!

Graphic design: Would you be able to help Rev’d Paul design posters for display on the church boards? We also need new promotional material to leave at Caswell House and other venues, to advertise the church for weddings. Please speak to Paul, if you are interested.