Diocese of Oxford

2018 Picture Galleries

Greenbelt 2018 – A small glimpse of the offerings at Greenbelt; a festival with a difference. 20 different venues within the village hosting talks, performing arts, music, gathering places, theatre, play areas, a place to pray and reflect, visual arts, partners’ venues, outdoor worship space and much, much more.

Welcome to Greenbelt 2018

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Ladies Away Day 2018 – Thank you to Angela for organising another relaxing and reflective Ladies Away Day.  The day’s theme was joy and happiness and the guest speaker was Rev’d Ilse Ferwerda.

Let the day commence

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Easter Flowers 2018 thank you so much to Bette Puffett and her talented and dedicated team who, once more, gave us a beautiful floral display this Easter.  Ladies, we thank you !

Beauty in the simplest of displays

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