Harvest Festival Please prepare to bring your harvest gifts either on Saturday, 24th during the morning for decorating the church or as an offering on Sunday at the service
Harvest Festival Please prepare to bring your harvest gifts either on Saturday, 24th during the morning for decorating the church or as an offering on Sunday at the service
Care If you know someone who would enjoy spending 1 or 2 hours one evening a week with coffee, cake and light conversation, to give respite cover to help a gentleman with his wife suffering from Alzheimer’s, please contact the Rector for details.
The Annual Village Flower and Produce Show is on Monday 29th August on the Sports Field. The church would welcome donations of cakes and produce for our stall. Please bring any items to church or pass to Gill Caton or June Allen by Sunday 28th August. Thank you for your continued support
“Adopt a Room” for Syrian families. Chris Stoneham (cstoney@btinternet.com or 01993 878097) is acting as Project Manager to coordinate our response to this opportunity to show compassion to four families who are to be resettled in Witney. Please see the schedule of items needed and sign up to provide or fund anything listed. Thank you for your prayerful generosity.
Meg Roberts is standing down as the Christian Aid coordinator for Ducklington after many years of service. Christian Aid Week this year is 15th to 21st May. If you would like to take over Meg’s role or can help as a collector, please have a word with her.
Please remember that the West Oxfordshire Food Bank is always in need of donations of food with at least a 6 month shelf life; Personal hygiene, baby, & sanitary items are also welcomed. There is a list of suggestions on the box. Please put them in the box in the North Porch, and a member of the Mothers’ Union will take…
You are invited to help with painting the office, cloakroom and porch area of the rectory, in the new year. In addition, help with wallpapering would also be appreciated by Paul and Nicci. If you are able to help, please have a chat with Edmund.
Marian would really appreciate mince pies for the Brize Singers concert. Please let her know if you can help with that.
Please take a Christingle Candle home with you and return it at Christingle time filled with spare change if possible. The candles can be found on the information table.
Late Night Café are severely short of volunteers to keep the café open on its scheduled nights For more information, please contact Rosemary Peirce on 01993 200103 or by e-mail at rosemary.peirce@ntlworld.com