Diocese of Oxford


Safeguarding – A statement from Andrea

Safeguarding Sunday 17 November 2024 As we gather on this Safeguarding Sunday, we take a moment to acknowledge a difficult but vital responsibility we hold as a community and church, the protection of each person, especially the vulnerable, in our midst. As I am sure you will know, the Archbishop Justin Welby announced his resignation…

Christian Aid Week 14-21st May 2023

14th May marks the start of the 2023 Christian Aid Week with this year’s “theme” The Big Pea Challenge This Christian Aid Week, we celebrate how our partners in Malawi are helping farmers transform their livelihoods using the humble but mighty pigeon pea: a drought-resistant, soil-revitalising, high-protein, low-cost, delicious crop. Inspired by the transformational pigeon…

Witney Foodbank

Please remember that fresh food and out of date or opened items cannot be accepted.  These can be donated to the Community Larder/Witney Food Revolution at the back of the Methodist Church in Witney between 10 and 12 on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. More details on the notice boards in the porches or on-line at…

Warm Space

The sessions are growing which is fabulous news – recently we had  30 attendees including 2 mums (and a grandma) each with their young children. We also had three new helpers who were delightful and a great help.  Please do let anyone know who may be interested in attending; every Thursday in the village hall from 11:30 until 3pm  – all totally…

Olivia Hawkes – RIP

Sadly Olivia died at the end of July in the Katharine House Hospice in Adderbury.  Olivia was a member of the congregation for some time and always enjoyed our Ladies’ Away Days.  RIP Olivia. Funeral details can be found here.