Diocese of Oxford

Remembrance Sunday Service (also on Zoom)

Our service will start at the usual time of 10:00 am.  We aim to start filing out to the War Memorial at 10:45 ready to observe remembrance at 11:00am

 The church is warm, with toilet facilities and, we hope, a warm welcoming environment; coffee and tea (and sometimes cake) are served after the service for a time to socialise and get to know one another better.  Please do join us.

Covid-19 remains with us for the forseeable future. 
The Wardens have decided that mitigating measures should remain where possible. 
The current rules are:-

  • Space – maintain a safe  distance within the church.
  • Hands – please sanitise your hands with the sanitiser provided at the church doors
  • Wear a mask if you feel more comfortable doing so


Services are also accessible via ZOOM meetings 

Click here to enter the meeting  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4905689876