Diocese of Oxford

Yellow Braces 2023 (Diocesan Youth Weekend)

What is it?

Yellow Braces is the long-running diocesan youth festival. It is a weekend of fun, malarkey, activities, food and engaging with Christianity, faith and life.

When and where is it?

Yellow Braces runs from 7-9 July. 

This year we return to the cosy wooden ‘yurts’ at the Adventure Base at Clanfield, the home of Adventure Plus

Tell me more!

The event is headed up by Ian Macdonald (part of the diocesan young people’s team) alongside a brilliant team of youth ministers/young leaders from across the diocese.

The weekend has something for everyone – games, crafts, challenges and competitions. There will be old favourites such as Ultimate Frisbee, water balloon volleyball, the bonfire and, of course, the night hike. We will be playing archery tag for the first time too.

There will also be our regular sessions of worship, and looking at what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

Take a look at the flyer here