Diocese of Oxford

LENT (Page 2)

The School Easter Experience

27th March from 9-3pm A wonderful opportunity for us to engage with the whole of Ducklington Primary School, to share the journey of Easter in a fun and accessible way. If you are able to support this day in any way then please do get in touch with Andrea. rector@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk or 01993 776625

Lent Lunches

Lent starts on Wednesday 2nd March. We are hoping to host several lent lunches through the period. The host provides a simple lunch of soup and bread with fellowship etc at their home. So far we have lunch dates booked on Fridays 11th and 18th March. If anyone is willing to help with this please contact Faith on 07791877817

Letter from the Rector – March 2021

A warm greeting to everyone as we begin to see the buds and shoots of spring breaking forth on trees and bushes in gardens and hedgerows. I write this following the Prime Minister’s announcement of the path through lockdown, giving us a focus for the hope and assurance which we hold as Christians. I encourage you as we use this season of…

#LiveLent 2018 : Lent Reflection

#LiveLent – Let Your Light Shine takes you on a six week discipleship journey in 2018 through the Gospel of John, exploring what it means to be a witness. For each day from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day there is a short reading, a pause for reflection and prayer, and an idea for a simple action…