Diocese of Oxford

The Electoral Roll

In 2025 parishes are required to prepare a new church electoral roll as part of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) process. Everyone that wishes to join or remain on the electoral roll will need to apply.
We want to encourage all eligible parishioners and those who regularly attend St Bartholomew’s Church to enrol, by highlighting the value of having a say in how your local church is run. The parish church electoral roll is the first building block of the church’s governance structure. It is a register of the lay members of the church who are entitled to vote at the APCM. Those on the roll are eligible to be elected to lay representative positions on the PCC and deanery synod. Deanery synod representatives may then be elected to diocesan synod and general synod. The total number on the parish church electoral roll, as presented at the APCM, is an important factor in determining the number of lay representatives (parochial and deanery synod) that a parish may have, whilst being only a small component of how the parish share allocation is determined.
Our aim is to make enrolment as simple as possible. If you would like to enrol then please download a copy of the application form using the link below. As the rules permit electronic signatures, it is sufficient for the completed application form to have a typed name where a signature is required if submitting from a personal email address. Please return your completed application form to Adrian Colbrook, our Electoral Roll Officer, at erofficer@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk  


Alternatively, paper copies of the application form are available in St Bartholomew’s Church together with a box for their return. If you have any difficulties accessing the application form, please contact Adrian Colbrook (erofficer@ducklingtonchurch.org.uk or 07768795048).

Ade Colbrook – Electoral Roll Officer