Diocese of Oxford

News (Page 10)

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Witney Foodbank needs…..

We’ve found a new list of items requested by Witney & West Oxfordshire Food Bank. They are… Tinned Soup Instant Pasta Meals Instant Noodles Biscuits Deodorant Shampoo & Conditioner Toilet Rolls Washing Up Liquid Witney & West Oxfordshire Food Bank currently doesn’t need anymore of these items: Pasta. You can find more details at https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/at/witney-west-oxfordshire/

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for: For people with long term health issues For Julie and the family and friends of Dennis Welch whose funeral was last week For the family and friends of Eric Cypher who died recently and whose funeral was on 15th  Aug. For Amy and Daniel who were married yesterday

Summer Club – restoration time

Many thanks to Maria, Angela, Meg, Harriet, Adam, Alison and many others who worked so hard to make the children’s summer club a sucess – especially in the face of worrying events in our country as a whole during the last week or so.  We give thanks that, as a community, so many came together…

Ride + Stride 2024

Ride + Stride 2024 is just around the corner. The event is taking place on September 14th between 10am and 6pm. You can cycle, walk, drive or even ride a horse between some of our neighbouring churches! Not only will you be raising money for our church and for Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust, but you’ll…

Witney Food Bank needs

We’ve found a new list of items requested by Witney & West Oxfordshire Food Bank. They are… Tinned Meat Long-life Milk Squash Jams & Spreads Shower Gel Deodorant Witney & West Oxfordshire Food Bank currently doesn’t need anymore of these items: Pasta. You can find more details at https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/at/witney-west-oxfordshire/

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for: For people with long term health issues For Julie and the family and friends of Dennis Welch who died last week and whose funeral was on Thursday. For the family and friends of Eric Cypher who died recently and whose funeral is on 15th Aug.