We hope all can come along and enjoy our first Christmas Tree Festival over the weekend of 6th-8th December.
Friday 6th December
From 9.30am we will be setting up and decorating the church. We have about 10/12 groups bringing a decorated tree. If you have any small or miniature trees which would fit on the window sills we would love to borrow them, so please bring them along on the Friday between 10 and 2.30.
Saturday 7th December
From 11am until 4pm the church will be open for visitors to view the decorated church. We would like to offer refreshments too but will need volunteers to serve these. Please speak to Alison if you can help for an hour. We would also like cakes and mince pies if you can offer these.
Sunday 8th December
From 11.30am until 3.30pm the church will be again open for visitors. Volunteers please to serve refreshments
In addition, on this weekend, the following events will also be taking place
Once again we are calling upon the generosity of you all to make this festival a success and bring members of the community into their church. Please contact me if you can help in any way. My contact details are: telephone 07909647471; email windsorpalison@gmail.com .
Or speak to other committee members Gill Long, Jenny Pratley, June Allen.
Thank you All.